Concept of God
"God is Beyond all Concepts. It is an Experience. Whatever cannot come within your concept, know that as God."
The moment you make a concept, your intellect says, " Yes, I Know." God is the eternal "I Don't Know." But you can be God. You can live in God. You can not know God. You can experience God. Whether you know it or not, experience it or not, you are That.
Every religion has said what God is, has given a general Concept of God as omnipresent. If He is present everywhere, He is present in you. He is present at all times. If he is present at all times, is He Present here, now, this minute? Yes? That is it. Being here now, this minute, being in touch with your innermost self, YOU ARE IN GOD.
God is Not Only One, He Manifests in Many Varieties.
Why would you think God is only one? Why cannot God also be many? If God made man in his own image, then what image is He? Why are there so many types of man and so many varieties of things? There is not just one type of Tree, not just one type of Animal or vegetable. There is not just one type of Anything So Why shold God be only One?
How could this consciousness that manifested this whole creation and which loves variety, be monotonous? God loves variety, so He must be of infinite variety Himself. God manifests in many Names, Forms and Varieties.
When you accept the variety of the Divine, you cease to be a fanatic or a fundamentalist.
See God as A Child.
You have always thought of God as a Father up in the heavens somewhere. With that concept in Mind, you want to demand and take from God. But can you see God as a child? When you see God as a Child, you have no demands.
God is your Child. he is within you. God cling to the devotee. He clings to you like a baby untill you grow old and die. God Keeps Crying for nourishment. He needs you to nourish Him in the world. Sadhna, Satsang & Seva are God's nourishment.
God Loves Fun &
Celebrating Silence