Friday, April 23, 2010


“The Pain is inhabitable, Shuffering the optional.”

See, the Nature is that you always get much more than you deserve. If You know this, you will be greatful each and every moment of you life. The more you greatful, more you get. But if you think that you deserve it & whatever you may gain, you feel lack. YOU feel I have not got what I should be gotten. This thing goes into your mind, I should be getting more, I deserve more. The lack consciousness make the same thing grow that brings more suffering in life. Pain is inhabitable, Suffering is optional.

That is Humanity, I don't deserve but DIVINE is providing more than I deserve. If you pray to GOD, God please give me health, people ask you, Why do you want Health? What did you do when you were Healthy?

If God ask you, why should I give u Health? What is the answer you have? OK, I give you health, what is your plan? What are you going to do? You should be prepared. (Laughter)

This is what I am saying, See that is what called TRUST, The Nature is that Divinity is going to give me what I need and it will give me. And whatever little bit Seva I do in my life is very small. I have not done enough.

You See, there are two type of JOY, One is the Joy that you get by GETTING, what do I get. The child says, Oh! What do I get, if I get a toffee, I am happy. If I get a toy, I am Happy. Getting is one type of Joy, this is a joy of a child, CHILDISH JOY. In which we got stuck, doesn’t seems to grow. Beyond that there is mature JOY. Joy, that is in GIVING. The Joy of a Grand Mother, she does eat all the Food but Joy is in Feeding others. Same way Grandfather’s Joy is in giving Gifts to the kids.

We have to make a shift in our lives, The Joy of taking to the Joy of Giving.

See, the Nature is that you always get much more than you deserve. If You know this, you will be greatful each and every moment of you life. The more you greatful, more you get. But if you think that you deserve it & whatever you may gain, you feel lack. YOU feel I have not got what I should be gotten. This thing goes into your mind, I should be getting more, I deserve more. The lack consciousness make the same thing grow that brings more suffering in life. Pain is inhabitable, Suffering is optional.

That is Humanity, I don't deserve but DIVINE is providing more than I deserve. If you pray to GOD, God please give me health, people ask you, Why do you want Health? What did you do when you were Healthy?

If God ask you, why should I give u Health? What is the answer you have? OK, I give you health, what is your plan? What are you going to do? You should be prepared. (Laughter)

This is what I am saying, See that is what called TRUST, The Nature is that Divinity is going to give me what I need and it will give me. And whatever little bit Seva I do in my life is very small. I have not done enough.

You See, there are two type of JOY, One is the Joy that you get by getting, what do I get. The child says, Oh! What do I get, if I get a toffee, I am happy. If I get a toy, I am Happy. Getting is one type of Joy, this is a joy of a child, CHILDISH JOY. In which we got stuck, doesn’t seems to grow. Beyond that there is mature JOY. Joy, that is in GIVING. The Joy of a Grand Mother, she does eat all the Food but Joy is in Feeding others. Same way Grandfather’s Joy is in giving Gifts to the kids.

We have to make a shift in our lives, The Joy of taking to the Joy of Giving.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Testing is part of ignorance. You only test that of which you are not sure. If God is testing you, that means God doesn’t know you well enough. How could people ever think that God is testing them?

God does not test you because he knows you in and out and your past, present and future. He knows your strengths and weaknesses and he alone gives you strength. He doesn’t test you.

Only you can test yourself. Only when you do not have confidence, then you test. If you are confident, why would you test? If you are testing yourself, you do not know yourself.

Are you testing God?

God will never pass your test because He will never show up for your test. If He shows up for your test, then He is not God (laughter).

Whether you get this or not – just laugh!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Effect of Mantras

The sound of ‘Om namah shivaya’ includes all the five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. Hinduism is not a religion as such. People have been chanting this for thousands of years. Mantras are those sounds which you hear from deep within during meditation and the aim is to bring one back to the source. During later days, people started putting faces and drawings to these mantras. Mantras have got certain vibrations/ energy. They are universal.

Even in churches in Latin America ‘Marnah nath’ is used. Its translation in Latin and Sanskrit is so close. For ‘Lord’ the word in Latin is nath and also in Sanskrit the word nath is used to mean ‘Lord’. So the word marnah nath meaning ‘My lord’ which is used in Christianity is actually a Sanskrit word.

Chanting in Sanskrit is beneficial because Sanskrit is the oldest language known to mankind. It has a deep impact on the consciousness. We welcome all songs – Japanese, Korean, Spanish. Any song you want to sing is welcome. We sing a lot of songs in Spanish and Portuguese in satsangs in South America. Of course, in India everybody easily connects with ancient mantras. Take any language you want but along with it take this also. How many of you feel singing and chanting these mantras creates some vibrations? (All raise hands in affirmation) It’s obvious. In Vedic chanting, many times you don’t know even the meaning but it has some effect.

In the morning we did Rudra Abhishek, this has been practiced for over thousands of years. We use crystal, milk, yoghurt and flowers etc. They all create a certain impact and send out positive vibrations.