Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is Faith?

"Faith is knowing that you will get what you want: Faith is knowing that what you need will be given to you, and that whatever you have, will grow and continue to be with you. That is real Faith"

Faith is not sitting and saying, "Oh! What will happen to me tomorrow or after 10 Years? When I become old, who will take care of me?"

You are stupid! You don't know yourself! When you are on the spiritual path, it is absurd to think, "who will take care of me? etc". Once you have taken one step on this path, more you can ever digest, will come t you! you will be flooded with food that you cannot eat! you will have so many place to go to, and people will hanker for you to come and stay!

Just look at the religious people, who have given up everything- the so called Sadhu, fathers, nuns & monks. How do they live? Do they work?
They travel in nice cars, and have huge mansions to live in. Don't they? Get that fear psychosis out of your mind! Until you do so, you can never be on the path!

Krishna talks about promises in the Bhagawad Gita; "One, who does not worry about anything else, but who just puts his or her mind in me, totally: one, who is so totally united with me, everyday- I WILL TAKE CARE OF THEIR yogakshema*."

Krishna Says, "It is my responsibility. I will take care. I will make sure that you do not suffer. But, you drop your anxiety." This is essential to faith. It is the basis of faith.

Spirit of Enquiry

*Yogakshema: The two thing that really keep you from growing into more perfection are- wanting to possess or get, what you don't have, and trying to maintain, or hold on to what you already have. These two things are called "yogakshema". They are the main cause of anxiety, worry, tension and fear in your life.


The Infinite said...

Really needed this..!
Thank you so much.. jgd! :)

Unknown said...

The right knowledge I needed at this time..:))