Monday, December 20, 2010

Q & A

What to do When Love, Devotion and Faith get shaken?

Sri Sri: That is very good. True Love and devotion gets deeper when it is challenged. Testing times come in everybody's life. You pray and sometimes your prayers don't get answered. Ten times you get what you wanted, and when the Eleventh time you don't get it, you start complaining. Is it not the case? (The questioner, a boy says, " Yes, one of my friend ditched me and I am feeling intense pain")

That is when you pull yourself up, Keep up with your practices. God is in every heart, everywhere, all round you and inside you. He knows what is best for you and he will give you the best.

What is the difference between Prayer and Meditation?

Sri Sri: 'Prayer' is asking, Meditation is listening. In Prayer, you ask, 'Give me this, give me that', giving instructions, demanding. In meditation, you say, 'I am here to listen, what is it that you want to tell? Tell me, Whenever you are free, I an here. Culmination of prayer is Meditation. When Prayer goes to a Peak, it is Meditation.

Could you please explain why we pray to Shiva, even though Shiva is called the destructor?

Sri Sri: Shiva is not just the destructor ; Shiva means the transformer, the consciousness, which is advaita. which is non-dual, the one consciousness, Mahadeva. The Shiva Puja (Rudrapuja) is most ancient yagna, which unites all the five elements, through chanting and using the five element. This Yagna is done to uplift the human consciousness.

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